Top 3 Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

➵ Getting started is by far the hardest part, but I’m here to help you make it a bit easier. In this video I share with you three tips that helped me get my business started. There is soo much more I wanted to add into this but I guess I’ll save that for another video.


Hello, lovely people of the world! It’s me, Adrienne Marie, and some of you may know if you’ve been following my social media stuff, especially Instagram, because that’s what I update the most.

You would know that I’ve actually started my own business, and it’s been really exciting and terrifying and overall pretty amazing experience.

Actually, a few of you have been leaving comments and have been sharing how I’ve been inspiring you guys, which I feel is like super crazy because I feel like you guys inspire me to keep doing what I’m doing and to keep chasing my dreams and keep doing things that bring me one step closer so I gotta hand it to you guys because without you, the fans, the audience, the supporters… I don’t think anybody that you admire could be where they are today.

So thank you, thank you. Since starting this journey and kind of getting things going, um, a few of you have reached out to me and kind of been like, ‘I’m passionate about something, I want to do this for the rest of my life, but I don’t know how to get started.’

So here are my top three tips if you want to be an entrepreneur but don’t really know where to start, like that.

Tip #1: Do your Homework

My journey technically really started about three years ago when I started getting into personal development in think and grow rich the book by napoleon hill he shared a story about two brothers just doing

a whole bunch of research for two whole years didn’t even touch anything about getting the business started just doing research so they spent those two years doing research and then they started their business and then two years after they became millionaires.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to do your homework beforehand so i’m going to share with you guys a few tips and tips on how to do your own business and how to do your own business and how to do your own business.

You know nine out of ten people that become entrepreneurs or start their own business fail within the first three years what I would want for you is to

minimize the amount of risk of that actually happening.

And the way you do that is by studying all these people who have been doing what you want to do. 

Aim towards doing what worked for them because why try to reinvent the wheel if someone has already spent 20 years of their life trying to figure this out I would much rather reinvent the wheel and start a new business and start a new business and start a new business and start a new business and start a new business and start a new business and read a book

And spend a week trying to take everything in about it and learning as much about this book that somebody has been pouring 30 years of experience into, do your homework!

Do your homework.

Tip #2: Finding a Mentor

The process of how I started to find my mentor, like I said, I started getting into personal development about three years ago.

I was really inspired by what Jim Rohan and really taking the lessons he’s sharing.

I’ve never actually met him; I’ve only seen him through the screen of my computer.

And actually, I will never meet him because he passed away a few years ago.

But to me, I feel like he’s such a great mentor because He left such an amazing legacy, and so much educational content out there for people to take if they’re willing to take it.

It could be someone you’re really inspired by, and just study their interviews, and just learn from them, and just learn from them:

what their mindsets are like, what do they do, how did they get to where they got. And if you’re really courageous enough, like ask them and start a conversation with them, and say, ‘You know, I’m very inspired by you, and your dream is very similar to my dream, and I’m just getting started, and I don’t know where to start. Like, how do you start getting to where you are?

Most of the time.’ They’ll be really nice about it and actually share with you, um, how they got started.

So, finding a mentor is great because it helps guide you through this you know.

They’re not gonna spoon-feed everything, and you’re still gonna have to work hard, but at least it’s almost like having a rubric; like, at least you have these guidelines of what you need to get going and what you need to do, kind of thing.

Fortunately for me, my father he’s actually been an entrepreneur for about 30 years of his life and he’s been really helpful on my journey.

But I’ll confide in him and be like, ‘You know what? I’m so frustrated; I feel like I don’t know what to…’ Do about this area of this thing, and then he’ll just recommend the right book to read to help you solve that issue.

So even little things like that, like being able to find someone to share with you what content makes sense for the point you’re in is really beneficial.

A mentor can be someone who’s just like a few steps ahead of you and kind of knows a little bit more about what you’re trying to do than don’t you. So reach out to people, start asking them questions.

You don’t need to find just one mentor; I would recommend finding a mentor for each specific thing that you’re trying to grow.

Tip #3 Be Passionate about What your Doing 

Tip #3 Be Passionate about What your Doing 

And then my third tip which probably is like the most important actually is you have to be passionate about what you’re doing.

There’s gonna be a lot of time that you’re gonna be working really hard for free and not earning anything, for me I can attest this because I’ve actually been working really hard to get this business going for the last two years and you know because it’s just a lot of foundation than I’m building it’s not like profits are coming in yet. When you’re passionate about something, it allows you to

do more and do it to your best of ability because it – it turns you on, like it excites you, and you just want to do it because it’s something you’re really Passionate about, and actually, there’s this whole misconception that you can work really hard to get this business going for the last two years and you know it’s possible to lose what you’re passionate about.

Like, ‘Oh, I’m trying to find my passion,’ or ‘I’ve seemed to lost my passion; I lost that spark.’ Um, Darren Hardy covered this in his book, ‘The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster’; I don’t know if you saw my major breakdown in my previous video.

That book actually helped me get out of that rut. Highly recommend reading it if you’re interested in going into entrepreneurship.

So, in his book, he had this analogy that passion is like electricity.

You know it’s always running through the wires, it’s always going, it’s always there, and it’s just waiting for someone to turn on that switch or turn on that light or just to just use it, and it’s just there.

So when people say I’ve lost my passion, you can’t because it’s always there you’ve just failed to notice it, you’ve just neglected it.

It’s always gonna be there.

Realize what you’re passionate about, so that’s so crucial on this journey.

Because if you’re not passionate about what you do, no one’s gonna believe in you and in your message, and if people don’t believe you, how like, how can you expect them to trade their money for?

The value you give if you don’t even believe in it, so you need to be so in love with this idea with this business you’ve got that you would do anything for it.

Take the time to be self-aware of your passion and then run with it.

So thank you so much for watching those are my top three tips if you want to get started as an entrepreneur.

So, do your homework because it’s super important to help you become mentally prepared, emotionally prepared, physically prepared, and business-wise prepared.

Do your homework, because you know what I wanted to be a teacher when I was in school. So, do your homework, um, and then number two, find a mentor because They can help you out so much on this journey and help you, kind of, guide you.

But yeah, sorry, Filipino joke; they can guide you, and then lastly make sure what you’re doing is something you’re really passionate about because people can tell if you’re in it because you love it or if you’re in it for the wrong reasons.

So I would much rather that you be in it because you’re passionate and you love it so much.

So yeah, I hope this was really helpful; these are kind of the steps that I took to get my business going, and things are pretty exciting, um, and terrifying, but um, overall it’s been like super duper awesome, great learning experience.

And I’ve been loving every step of the way, every triumph and every failure, and just the whole package, the whole shebang.

But yeah, so yeah, so those are my tips, I hope they really helped, and as always, do something today that makes you happy and that brings you one step closer to achieving your dreams.

I need to sneeze, but I love you, and I’m out of here, goodbye.

Great outro, uh, yeah, that’s good stuff right there, all right, bye guys.

Allergies, allergies

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About Me

I’m Adrienne Lloren — a musician, blogger, and digital creator. I like to think of myself as a multi-passionate human being that loves creating stuff.

I started this blog with the hopes of it becoming a helpful resource to others who can relate to my mental health recovery.