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Hey everybody, it’s me, Adrienne Marie, and this is 20 things that I learned when I was 20. Woo!
#1: Every day, find something that you’re grateful for. I’m alive!
#2: Love yourself. Girl, did you wake up like that? Hashtag flawless.
#3: University flies by fast. 1st Year – I’m so excited for first year. 2nd Year – Where do all these assignments come from? 3rd Year – I’m halfway done, girl. You can do this. You can do this. 4th Year – In a few months, I’m in the real world.
#4: Let go of the things that don’t make you feel good. Be gone.
#5: Failure is a good thing. Aw, man, I failed. Does this mean I’m stupid? Does this mean I’m dumb? Is this a stepping stone so I can become better? Yeah!
#6: Making videos is really fun. Damn. Bam, bam. Edit, edit, edit.
#7: Traveling is pretty fun, too. Passport ready, and we’re going to board soon. Woo, can you tell I’m excited?
#8: Snapbacks are pretty, pretty fun, too.
#9: Reading is fun. This is fun.
#10: Smiling at people who couldn’t hurt you. Unless you’re smiling too much. Ow.
#11: Alcohol is overrated. Dude, let’s get wasted. Dude, let’s not. Come on, why not?
#12: Being the only sober person is underrated. Do you remember the last time you got wasted? [SKIT]: Dude, your lamp’s broken. No, it’s still broken.
#13: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Hey, I need your help. I want to make a positive difference in the world, so can you do me a favour and share my video so more people can enjoy it? Huh? Huh? Huh?
#14: Don’t be afraid to say no. Wait. Let me get this straight. You want me to attain the ability to become invisible and then rob a bank and give you all the money? No.
#15: Hello Kitty is not a cat. I’m living a lie.
#16: All the continents start and end with the same letter. Pew!
#17: A snail can sleep for three years. Alright, me too. I’m sleeping beauty, yo.
#18: Peanuts are one of the ingredients to dynamite. Is that why it leaves such an explosion of flavor in your mouth?
#19: The longest one-syllable word is ‘screeched’.
#20: It’s even longer if you spell it like screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeched.
And as always, if this video inspires you, please share it to those you wish to inspire. Oh, and please check out this other video.
So I’m on a mission to discover what I can achieve when I start doing what I love and what I’m passionate about. But it’s like, how do I get there? How do I actually make this happen?